Travel Survey
Share your thoughts and ideas about the 10th and 11th Viaduct Study.
Public Meeting Open House #1
Tuesday Dec. 3, 2024 5-7 p.m.
Monick Yards
605 E. 8th St.
Sioux Falls, SD
Public Meeting Materials
ADA Statement
Individuals needing assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), should contact the SDDOT ADA Coordinator (605-773-3540) two business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure accommodations are available. For any in-person meeting, notice is further given to individuals with disabilities that the meeting is being held in a physically accessible location.
Provide Your Feedback
Leave a General CommentAs we plan for the future, we need your help! Drop a pin on the map and let us know where you've experienced any transportation-related issues.